Still the Last Best Hope?

The debates of the 21st century can obscure the vision of the Founders and the context within which they operated. “The last best hope” can sound pompous, even a little arrogant, and perhaps as a way to paper over the real issues affecting real people. But there is a reason that motif has survived since the Founding, and that reason is because it is true.

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Why Rome Endures Part II: Experience

My time spent with people exploring Rome’s labyrinth of churches, streets, restaurants, museums, churches, and cafes and praying, learning about art, history and the Italian language, and of course eating, and drinking cappuccinos, espressos, and wine, allowed my friends and I to embrace challenges, differences, and build authentic and lasting relationships.

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The Prized, Desirable Sight: The Meaning of the Moon Landing 50 Years Later

The exploration of space fills even the skeptical with a religious awe. The perspective of human smallness, of universal bigness, pries an abrupt crack in the mundanity of daily life. It shakes us with that combination of trembling fear and exaltation that the Romantics called ‘the sublime’.

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Iowa and the Midwest are Better than Steve King

“A Representative who displays the Confederate flag on his desk—a flag many Iowa boys died to take down forever—can represent us no longer,” guest contributors and native Iowans Joe Carroll and Jim Kirkwood write. “The next person to represent Iowa’s fine 4th district must embody the spirit of neighborly charity in which Iowans take pride.”

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